Peter-Paul de Wolf
Statistics Netherlands
P.O. Box 24500
2490 HA The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 337 5060
Last update: 10 Oct 2011
The CASC project team
Statistics Netherlands
Statistics Netherlands is the main-contractor of the CASC-project.
It bares the overall responsibilities for the project.
The main activities of Statistics Netherlands are the further development of the ARGUS software.
Anco Hundepool studied mathematics at Leyden University and subsequently he joined
Statistics Netherlands. He started his career in the department for Statistical Methods.
His main interests were seasonal adjustment, compilation of price index series and a pilot study
on purchasing power statistics. After that he was involved in the development of the Blaise system,
became a project-leader for the Abacus tabulation package and the STATview dissemination package.
Within the SDC-project, partially funded by the 4th Framework he was the project-leader for the
development of the ARGUS package for statistical disclosure control. In the
TADEQ project for the
documentation of electronic questionnaires (also partially funded by the 4th Framework) he was
responsible for the development of the TADEQ-software.
In the CASC project he is the overall project leader and continues the development of the ARGUS
Anco Hundepool presented his work on various conferences and has published in different refereed journals.
Eric Schulte Nordholt studied mathematics at the University of Utrecht and econometrics at
the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He started his career as a researcher at the Department of S
tatistical Methods of Statistics Netherlands. In 1995 he worked as a detached national expert
at the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) team of Eurostat in Luxembourg.
Subsequently he became senior researcher at the Department of employees of the division
of Socio-economic Statistics. His main interests are data editing, imputation, metadata systems,
panel data and statistical disclosure control.
Aad van de Wetering has a long career at Statistics Netherlands. After his education
he joined Statistics Netherlands and was involved in the automation from the 'stone age' of computers.
He made tabulation software for our last census (1971) and from that period he has become an expert in tabulation.
For the Blaise system he designed (with Alex van Buitenen and Anco Hundepool) the tabulation package Abacus.
After that he became involved in the StatLine project. In the 4th Framework project
TADEQ he was involved in
the development of the TADEQ software for the automatic documentation of electronic questionnaires.
His current interest is the further development of the ARGUS software.
Aad has a special interest in number theory and the Dutch language.
His favorite activity during the lunch-break is playing chess.
But after a long career at Statistics Netherlands Aad has decided that he will retire.
Indeed from the January 1st Aad will no longer work at Statistics Netherlands and so his
contribution to ARGUS has come to an end. It is a pity for ARGUS, but we are grateful
for his contribution so far.
We hope that Aad will enjoy his retirement.
Aad van de Wetering homepage
Ramya Ramaswamy has taken over from Aad the development of the kernel of ARGUS.
Istituto Nationale di Statistica
The role of ISTAT is in the research of micro data. Also IStat will organise the testing of
the software products developed during this project. Luisa Franconi is a member of the CASC steering committee.
Luisa Franconi has an MA in Mathematics from the University of
Perugia (Italy), an MSc in Computational Statistics from the
University of Bath (UK) and a PhD in Statistics from the University
of Trento (Italy).
From 1992 to 1994 she was a Research Officer at the School of
Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath. Since 1994 she has been
with the Servizio Studi Metodologici, Istituto Nazionale di
Statistica (ISTAT) working on Statistical disclosure control (SDC)
methodology. She has been head of the SDC methodology unit at ISTAT
since 1998.
Luisa was a committee member of the Esprit Project no 20462 on SDC
and was responsible for testing the ARGUS software
and developing methodology for SDC. Luisa is the Istat representative
on the Eurostat Task Force on Methodological Aspects of
Confidentiality. Her publications include SDC methods in various
conference proceedings and journals.
University of Plymouth
Role UoP
Dr Julian Stander has been working at the University of Plymouth since October 1993.
He is a Principal Lecturer. He has a first class honours degree in Mathematics from
the University of Oxford, a Diploma in Mathematical Statistics (with distinction and
University prize) from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD from the University of
Bath for a thesis entitled Some Topics in Statistical Image Analysis. Before coming
to Plymouth, he held a Royal Society European Science Exchange Programme Fellowship
at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR, Rome. His present research interests
include applied statistics, disease mapping, image analysis, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
and smoothing techniques. He has published a number of papers in international refereed
Julian Stander homepage
Office for National Statistics
Role ONS
David Brown has degrees in Mathematics (BSc, University of Durham, 1966) and Statistics
(MSc, Imperial College, London, 1967), and has been employed as a research/consultant
statistician in the Natural Environment (1967-1976) and Biotechnology and Biological
Science (formerly Agricultural) Research Councils (1976-2000). His most recent posts
were Head of the Statistics Group, then of the Biomathematics and Computational
Neuroscience Laboratory, at the Babraham Institute, Cambridge. He has numerous
publications in statistics, biology and mathematics, including the book,
'Models in Biology: Mathematics, Statistics and Computing' (1993). He was co-ordinator
of an EU Fourth Framework project involving statistical analysis of a neural system,
and will have responsibility for Statistical Disclosure Control at the ONS from summer 2000.
After David's retirement Bill Gross took over the responsabilities for SDC at ONS
University of Southampton
Chris Skinner
Born 12/3/1953, British
Professor, Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton since 1994
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1978-1994
BA Mathematics, University of Cambridge, 1975
MSc Statistics, London School of Economics, 1976
PhD Social Statistics, University of Southampton, 1982
Publications include: C.J.Skinner, D.Holt and T.M.F.Smith, eds (1989) Analysis of Complex Surveys. Wiley
Chris Skinner homepage
David J. Holmes
Born 4/11/57, British
Principal Experimental Officer, Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton since 1992
Research Assistant, Research Fellow, Experimental Officer 1980-1992
BSc Mathematics, University of Exeter, 1979
MSc Applied Statistics, University of Southampton, 1980
PhD Social Statistics, University of Southampton, 1987
Publications include Skinner, C.J. and Holmes, D.J (1998)
Estimating the re-identification risk per record in microdata. J.Official. Statist. 14, 361-372.
David Holmes homepage
University of Manchester
Professor Angela Dale is Director of the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research
and Professor of Quantitative Social Research at the University of Manchester. She was a UK
partner in the 4th Framework Social Disclosure Control Programme co-ordinated by Dr Leon Willenborg.
She has a close involvement with issues around confidentiality and privacy and directs an ESRC-funded
support and development programme for samples of anonymised records from the 1991 Census for the UK.
She teaches a course on the secondary analysis of government surveys and census data and has published
widely in this area.
Angela Dale homepage
Dr. Mark Elliot born April 1961, he has degrees in Psychology (B.A), Knowledge based systems (M. Sc.),
and a PhD. in Artificial Intelligence. His previous research has been in the field of Natural Language
Processing and Knowledge Engineering.
He has been working in the field of Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) for four years.
He has given papers on the topic at Statistical Confidentiality Conferences (Bled, Slovenia 1996,
Lisbon, Portugal 1998, Washington 1999), as well a papers describing SDC at conferences on risk
(Warwick, UK 1999) and record linkage (Washington, USA 1998). He has had papers published on SDC
in Netherlands Official statistics and Research in Official Statistics and a further one forthcoming
in the international Journal of Risk Management, with several more in preparation. He has just completed
a one year project investigating a new technique for disclosure risk assessment
(called Data Intrusion Simulation) under a one-year grant from the Economic and Social
Research Council and is currently consulting to the US bureau of the Census on a four month
project extent this technique to assess the impact of the full range of disclosure control techniques.
Mark Elliot homepage
Statistisches Bundesamt
Role StBA
Sarah Giessing studied mathematics and statistics at the Philipps University Marburg.
After graduation she joined the Statistisches Bundesamt. She works in the Department
of Mathematical Statistical Methods. She has carried out a major research project on
software packages for tabular data protection and presented the results at various
conferences and had several published papers on tabular data protection. She was involved in
two task forces at StBA 'Improving the assessment of confidentiality for tabular data' and
'Improving GHQUAR'. She occasionally represented StBA in the Committee for Statistical
Confidentiality of the European Commission and represents StBA in the task force on
methodological aspects of statistical confidentiality of this committee.
Ruth Brand acquired her graduate in economics in 1992 at the University of Hannover
with priorities in econometrics, insurance economics and labour economics. Since 1993 she was a
lecturer at the University of Hannover. From 1993 - 1995 she worked in two different research
projects: profit sharing and participation, the Hannover panel. Since 1995 she was employed at the
subdivision of statistics. Her fields in research are data protection, statistical methods and
labour dynamics. In the field of data protection she is working since 1995. Main topics are
possibilities of anonymising business data and theoretical comparisons of the different approaches.
For instance she evaluated the re-identification risks connected with disseminating data from the
Hannover Panel and the IAB-Establishment-Panel and evaluated the possibilities of anonymising
them by adding random noise in the way Sullivan/Fuller (1989) propose.
Dietz Repsilber graduated in physics. He joined LDS NRW in 1973. Apart from being
involved in several other projects concerning software and methodology development, since 1978 he
has been developing the software package GHQUAR for secondary cell suppression. Step by step, mostly
driven by user demand, he added improvements to his system. Substantial progress was made after
the international seminar on statistical confidentiality in Dublin 1992. Since 1999 he is in close
co-operation with Eurostat. On behalf of Eurostat a PC-version of GHQUAR was developed. On particular r
equest of Eurostat users he added several facilities intended to improve the usability of GHQUAR.
Diez Repsilber was involved in the StBA task force 'Improving GHQUAR'. Currently, based on the
recommendations of that task force, he is in the process of refining his package, making it
applicable to sets of linked tables. He presented his package at two international seminars
on statistical confidentiality (1992 and 1994) and had published papers (in German language)
describing his method for secondary cell suppression.
University of La Laguna
Role ULL
Prof. Juan Jose Salazar Gonzalez
is Associate Professor at DEIOC teaching Mathematical Programming in Mathematics and Engineering.
He obtained his Ph.D. at University of Bologna (Italy) in 1992, and since them he has been involved
in different National and European project inside Italian research groups. For example, he was in
· Models, algorithms and Systems for Decision Support (EC-Human Capital & Mobility Program, Contract Nr ERB CHR XCT 930087),
· DIMANET (DIscrete Mathematical NETwork), "Human Capital and Mobility" EC Network DIMANET Contract No: ERB CHR XCT 940429,
· SDC (Statistical Disclosure Control), supported by the Esprit programme, European Union (1995-1997).
He has been also in other EU programs, as the past Erasmus program (Italy, 1991) or the current
Socrates Program "EU Socrates project" (Bruxells, 1999). He has organized several Internatical event,
and he has also been visiting research at Columbia University, New York.
Juan Jose Salazar homepage
Prof. Matteo Fischetti (University of Padova, Italy) will collaborate in the ULL group. He received
his PhD in Operations Research from the University of Bologna in 1987. In the same year he was received
the first prize "Best Young Researcher", awarded by A.I.R.O. (the Italian Operations Research Society),
and the prestigious first prize "Best Ph.D. Dissertation on Transportation", awarded by the Operations
Research Society of America (the first prize awarded by O.R.S.A. for a Ph.D. thesis developed outside
U.S.A.). In 1994 he won the first prize "FASTER", awarded by FS-Ferrovie dello Stato for the best
computer code for solving very large set-covering problems arising in railway scheduling
(jointly with P. Toth and A. Caprara), and in 1995 he received the first prize "FARO", awarded by
FS-Ferrovie dello Stato for the best computer code for solving a bus-driver scheduling problem arising
in railway applications (jointly with P. Toth, Vigo and A. Caprara). He is full professor in Operations
Research at the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Padova. He was
member of the international Program Committee for the meeting Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization, Copenhagen, May 1995, and plenary speaker at the Mathematical Programming Symposium,
Lausanne, July 1997. His research interests include Combinatorial Optimization, Polyhedral
Combinatorics, Statistical Disclosure Control, Integer Programming, Graph Theory, Design and
Analysis of Combinatorial Algorithms, Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems.
Matteo Fischetti homepage
Prof. Giovanni Andreatta is Full Professor of Operations Research, Faculty of
Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy, and several times Visiting Professor, Sloan School
of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. He has been the responsible person of several National and
European Projects, as for example "TAPE", Research Project supported by the European Union (DG VII),
within the IV Framework Project (from January 1996 to April 1997).
Giovanni Andreatta homepage
Institut D'EStadística de CATalunya
Role IDesCat
Enric Ripoll is the Assistant Director of IDESCAT for Management and Technical
Resources. He will represent IDESCAT in the project and he will lead the research team at IDESCAT.
He earned a Ph. D. in Economics from the Universitat de Barcelona, and was an Associate Professor
there from 1980 at the Department of Econometrics and Statistics. He serves as Executive Editor of
the journal "Quaderns d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa-Qüestiió" and Guest Editor of the journal
"Fuentes Estadísticas" edited by INE and Eurostat. He has been involved in the organization of
international statistical conferences and has participated in the FORCE4/R, STABLE and TESS European
projects on behalf of IDESCAT.
Istituto Nationale di Statistica
Role INE
Gloria Torres Borrell has a University degree in Physics.
After working for 5 years as a marketing specialist in the enterprise 3M España,
joined the National Statistical Institute in 1976. She has worked in the industrial
Statistics (3 years), Social Statistics Department (4 years), Data Processing Department (7 years).
During seven years she has been the Head of the Geographical Information System Unit, and since 1997
she is the Responsible for Statistical Confidentiality and Informatics Security. She is the
representative of Spain in the Statistical Confidentiality Committee of Eurostat.
Technical University of Ilmenau
Role TUIlm
Karl Luhn studied economics at the University Leipzig. After graduation he worked in the
Departement of Mathematics and Statistics at the Handelshochschule Leipzig and was involved
in several projects of mathematical methods in economics, especially methods of operational research.
In these fields he also works since 1977 at the Technical University Ilmenau.
Karl Luhn homepage
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Vicenç Torra-Reventós is a Senior Researcher at the Institut d'Investigació en Intel.ligència Artifical
(IIIA), which belongs to the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
He was formerly an Associate Professor at URV. He will lead the research team at IIIA-CSIC.
Torra-Reventós earned a Ph. D. in Computer Science from UPC. His field of expertise is artificial
intelligence, and more specifically knowledge integration and fuzzy sets. He has authored over
50 papers, some of which have been published by IEEE and ACM. He has led one competitively funded
project and a contract with the Bureau of the Census (USA), and has participated in the European
project VIM-"A Virtual Multicomputer" (Human Capital Mobility ERBCHRXCT/93-0401). He was Program
Chairman of the 1st Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Guest Editor of the
Int. J. of Intelligent Systems and Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBS.
Vicenç Torra-Reventós homepage
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Role URV
Josep Domingo-Ferrer is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili
(Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain). He will be a member of the CASC Steering Committee and lead the research
team at URV. Domingo-Ferrer earned a Ph. D. in Computer Science from the Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona and holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science and a M.Sc. in Mathematics. His fields of expertise
are statistical disclosure control, cryptography and data security; he has authored one patent and
over 60 publications. He has advised three Ph. D. theses. He has led two competitively funded projects
and is currently leading a project funded by the U.S. Bureau of the Census on comparing SDC methods for
continuous microdata. He is a reviewer of project FILIGRANE (ESPRIT/4 28423) and has served as an
evaluator for the 5th Framework Programme on e-commerce. He was Program Chairman of the Statistical
Data Protection'98 conference sponsored by Eurostat (Lisbon, March 1998); also, he served as a
Discussant at the Joint ECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Confidentiality (Thessaloniki,
March 1999).
Josep Domingo-Ferrer homepage
Josep Maria Mateo-Sanz is a tenure-track Associate Professor of Statistics at the
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain). He earned a Ph. D. in Statistics from
Universitat de Barcelona in 1998. His main interests are statistical disclosure control and statistical
inference. He has authored a number of publications in those fields.
Josep Maria Mateo-Sanz homepage
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Role UPC
Jordi Castro is an Associate Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) and was formerly an Associate Professor at
URV. He will lead the research team at UPC. Castro earned a Ph. D. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science
from UPC. His field of expertise is optimisation, on which he has authored many international
publications, some of which have been published by IEEE, SIAM and Kluwer. He has participated in
project SLOEGAT (ESPRIT/4 22652). He's currently leading a competitively funded project.
Jordi Castro homepage